Time to stand down…or stand up?

Prior to staging their recent palace coup, Democrat power brokers realized that President Biden could no longer defeat former President Trump. Ergo, one or the other—or both—had to go. To that end, the Secret Service basically stood down instead of doing its best to protect Trump at his massive rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13th. However, when the assassination attempt inexplicably failed, Biden had to be forced out. So, the power brokers executed their coup, overruling the voters’ will—in order, of course, to “save our democracy.” Then they quickly decided to install Kamala Harris as their nominee, the first woman of color to be so honored— because, in this era of DEI, intersectionality trumps (pardon the pun) competence. To further please and appease Democrats (democracy!), the SS then informed Trump that (they are so spectacularly incompetent) he should immediately cease holding his signature outdoor rallies. In other words, he must effectively quit campaigning.

See how this all ties together? The Secret Service stood down. The DNC forced Biden to stand down. And now, the Secret Service has essentially told Trump to stand down.

To recap: a former (and possibly future) president got shot, Democrats literally executed a coup, and Kamala Harris—their current preferred replacement for the allegedly duly elected president—is apparently going to be bestowed all of Biden’s campaign money, donors’ desires rendered moot. And Trump has been informed that he should no longer engage in his most effective mode of campaigning unless he’s okay with getting shot dead. All this in America.

Of course, everyone is understandably extremely upset at this series of events that is threatening to rip apart our country. Right? Nope. It appears most folks are vacationing, accessing their porn, watchin’ baseball, playin’ golf, and, of course, availing themselves of various other online amusements. Very few I talk to in the course of my daily routine seem greatly distressed by any/all of these things. Might Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, or Franklin have had a strong and considered opinion? Been a bit more concerned at the potential dissolution of their country? How far we have fallen.

Strange days are these.

And sad ones, too.

Image: Free to use via Pexels.

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